Construction Accidents

Even Safety-Conscious Construction Workers Have Accidents

As a construction worker, you face an array of on-the-job hazards every day. No matter how careful you are, or how thorough your safety training, there’s simply some construction accidents you can’t prevent.

As a construction worker, it’s likely you are exposed to all sorts of environments that are out of your control; including underground, up high, on busy roads and build sites. But just because construction sites are by places in which you must exercise extreme caution, doesn’t mean no one is liable if you get hurt.

If you have sustained injuries from a construction accident, you shouldn’t be made to feel like worker’s compensation is your only option. General contractors or subcontractors are required to keep your working environment safe, and can be held liable for your construction accident if they failed to:

  • Warn workers of possible hazards on the job site

  • Employed other workers who put you in danger by not using caution

  • Proactively coordinate safety for each job site

  • Make sure safety specifications were being followed

We’ll make a Compelling Case for Your Injury

At Peck Baxter, we can help you pursue a settlement, so you don’t wind up struggling under the weight of treatment costs that aren’t covered by worker’s compensation. We serve construction workers in Utah, Wyoming, and Idaho, and our expert accident attorneys are familiar with state laws and regulations that are on your side.

We understand that no matter how safety-conscious you are, there are a number of ways you can become injured on site.

Our years of experience were important in successfully negotiating a settlement for a concrete worker who was injured on site. Due to the landowner’s negligence, an accident occurred that led to the worker’s broken wrist. Left unable to return to the job due to his injuries, our attorneys fought for a fair recovery.

We know how to take the legal actions required to hold site owners, architects, contractors, and even equipment manufacturers liable for your accident. We can best navigate the system and decide on a course of action for your accident claim.

Who’s Liable after an Accident?

The stakes are high when you suffer a construction accident: You need to get back to work as soon as possible, cover incoming bills for medical treatment or therapy, and must manage daily life while possibly suffering through pain and discomfort.

The process of filing a claim for a construction site injury can be complicated since there are a number of parties who can share liability for an unsafe construction site. Don’t try and go at it alone and find yourself pressured return to rough working conditions and long hours, before your injury has healed.

Let our construction injury attorneys help you pursue the settlement that you deserve. Call us at (435) 787-9700 or contact us online to speak with an injury attorney today.


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