Commercial & Complex Litigation

Trial Attorneys

Our philosophy is that the best way to resolve a business dispute is through quick action that puts the parties in a position to reach a reasonable resolution without the need to go to court and rack up huge legal bills. Our attorneys bring to the table vast experience in business disputes, strong legal skills and a predisposition toward seeking a reasonable negotiated settlement. Of course, all sides to the dispute need to be willing to work in good faith toward a mutually acceptable resolution for this process to work. Unfortunately, there are some businesses and other parties whose approach to a dispute is to sue first and ask questions later. Whether they are adversarial by nature or design, the result is the same: your dispute with them is going to court if you don’t give them exactly what they want.

If this is what you or your business is facing, you may need Peck Baxter attorneys at your side. We have litigated, and tried, a broad range of business disputes and other types of complex litigation – from business breakups to patent litigation to contract breaches to employment discrimination to trade secrets to non-compete agreements to real estate deals to large collection cases to trust and probate disputes. Been there, done that. If the other side is being ridiculous and unreasonable, then you’ll want the best attorneys in your corner. Give us a call and make an appointment to speak with one of our experienced trial lawyers.